ABACBS & COMBINE Abstract Submission

  • Abstract submission deadline (including travel bursary application): Friday October 13th 5pm AEST.

  • We invite abstracts for research that is topical to bioinformatics and computational biology, which is in progress or has been recently published. The presenter should identify themselves as the corresponding author during the submission process, and accepted presenters are required to make the presentation themselves, and must register and pay to attend the conference. Please note a presenting author can present only one oral talk at ABACBS 2017.

  • ABACBS welcomes abstract submissions from students, ECRs, professional bioinformaticians and more established researchers.

  • We have both long and short-format oral presentations with the long format being primarily intended for more senior researchers (though they may also be suitable for students presenting a significant body of work).

  • Additionally, there will be two poster sessions, as well as two fast forward poster presentations of selected posters.

  • Please see the detailed instructions for preparing oral and poster presentations.

  • Prizes will be awarded for the best oral and poster presentations.

  • Word limit 300 words. Title, authors and affiliations of all authors must be provided in the abstract (not included in word limit).

  • Please also indicate if you would like to be considered for a long or short talk, a poster presentation only, or both a talk and a poster. If you are not successful in being selected to give a talk you will be offered a poster presentation instead.

  • Please indicate if you would ALSO/ONLY like to submit your abstract to the COMBINE Student Symposium (Monday Nov. 13th) – you must also register for COMBINE if you want to submit an abstract to that meeting.


Travel Bursary

Thanks to our generous sponsors (https://www.abacbs.org/conference-sponsors/), we are pleased to be able provide a number of travel bursaries to help support interstate students attending the ABACBS 2017 conference. Please indicate in your abstract submission if you would like to be considered for one of these bursaries. Bursaries will be awarded based on the evaluation of submitted abstracts by the organising committee. Applicants should note that approximately 20 bursaries to the value of $250 each will be awarded. This will obviously only partially cover costs associated with attending the conference. To be eligible applicants must be a current financial member of the society, must have registered for the conference and must have submitted an abstract.